Isn't Clubhouse Everything That We Hated?

I thought we came into the music industry because we knew we were different than everyone else. I thought we were tired of being "left out". I thought we were tired of "gatekeepers". So why is it that we've become exactly what we hated? 

Listen, I like to be very upfront about my biases. I'm sure if I was a part of this "exclusive club" that is Clubhouse, my opinions on everything would be very different. I'm sure I'd see the value in it, I'm sure it would be fun. But instead? I'm watching. I'm on the outside- hearing people talk about something that I feel like I'm not cool enough to be apart of. It really feels like I'm back in high school, watching the most elite cool kids laugh and joke amongst each other. I was under the impression that most of us in the industry hated that feeling, so I can't be the only one noticing that Clubhouse is just a glorified version of that.

I'm saying all of this to say, yeah I'd like an invite. I'd love to be apart of the "cool club" that makes up a lot of the industry, but also, why the fuck do I feel like I need to be a "part of the industry"? And why the fuck do you feel like people shouldn't have access to you? I never want to be who I despised growing up- and I imagine you're the same. Of course, I'm being dramatic here- but I hope Clubhouse and its members realize what they're doing to people like me, EXPLICITLY leaving us out of conversations that we ALL could learn from. 

That being said, shout out to Ladi for tweeting about these conversations, because she's doing the rest of us a service. She's dropping the lessons that some of us aren't lucky enough to get.

The rest of the members don’t seem to care though.

And trust me, I know you did the work to get to where you are, but I guess I was under the impression that you wanted to make things easier for the people that came after you. Or was that all talk? Are you content becoming the same gatekeepers you despised growing up?


In all seriousness tho I could care less I just figured this could garner some attention and evoke some thought. I also think I'm very good at emotive writing, so being all dramatic like that is always fun. Truthfully, I'm glad eveyone on Clubhouse is having fun. Sometimes I just wish I was there too. But that’s okay I know some of y'all will be willing to help when I’m ready. God bless.

Send me an invite if you can tho lol

I'll talk to you once Clubhouse accepts me