Of course, I am, but I also know we’re not where we need to be yet. I haven’t really taken the time to sit back and reflect on everything that’s been going on around me- and I’m not sure that I want to. I’ll always remain humble, but I never want to feel complacent.

GREAT things are happening for me and the team, but I know how much more there is for us to do. Life is good and God is great, but until we can take care of our families, we ain’t shit. And to be honest, even if we do get to that point, we won’t be shit.

We would have just accomplished what we set out to do. God willing, if we get to that point, I know we’ll realize how much more we can offer to the world and the generations to come after us.

But for now, am I excited? Yes; but we still got business to take care of.