A Letter to the Mamba πŸ•Š

God bless you Kobe. And God bless your family. I pray that moving forward they remain blessed by the grace of God. I'm sorry that the world had to lose you. I'm so sorry that the world has to lose any of us. I guess that's my immaturity. I was so happy to see what you were becoming. I was late to basketball. I was late to see who you are. 

But I found out eventually. I learned eventually. You were more. You were bigger than basketball. You were a life that shouldn't have been taken from us so soon. It bugs me out man. I know you'll be here. I know you're with us forever. But to know that we'll never hear you speak, never hear you articulate again, it scares me. But I pray for the best. For all of us. 

I want to conclude on a positive note. I hate that we all are sad right now. But now more than ever, I know how much we need eachother. 

God bless you, whoever's reading this, for being inspired by Kobe. God bless you for keeping him and his family in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you for sharing your feelings with us all.

Knowing that the rest of the world is hurting as much as I am right now, in a weird way, helps me feel comfort. We will have to deal with loss far too often in this lifetime, but we can get through it together.

Please allow yourself to pray for the well-being of the others who lost family in this accident as well. 

Moving forward, let's uphold Kobe's values. Let's work hard. Let's continue to inspire future generations, while respecting those that inspired us. Let's share our knowledge and positively influence the people around us.

Thank you Kobe. 8, 24, β™Ύ

We'll see you when we see you. Take care πŸ™πŸ’š